Sunday, December 10, 2006

Breaking the Emulsion

Well, I was waiting for it to get a tad warmer. It didn't really happen (at least not to any appreciable amount). Since the weather didn't cooperate, I ended up adding the glycerin back anyway and rigging up a spare water heater element which I dropped into the barrel of goo.

After just a little while, the emulsion began to break. I kept the heat on it for a while longer then just let it sit and settle out. I ended up siphoning off the "good" bio into another tank just to make sure I didn't accidentally get any of the crap at the bottom this time. I was able to siphon off somewhere about 35 liters or so... way less than the close to 80 liters that I should have gotten. So, I heated the rest of the garbage up for a few hours more and was able to settle out some more (still not as much as I'd have liked). After a few more rounds of this, I should have at least a respectable batch to finish washing.

It would definitely have been easier to just dump this brown mayonnaise instead of doing all this, but I am learning a lot more by doing this (so I guess it isn't a total waste). We will shortly find out.


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