Saturday, November 18, 2006

It begins

I finished the all the "lose ends" on the processor this afternoon. Also, I was able to finish filtering the WVO (Waste Vegetable Oil) to 200 microns (which should do fine for the reaction). This morning (12:30am - 2:45am) I had the time to do a new titration and start a batch.

We mixed up the methoxide (lye and methanol) and while waiting for it to dissolve, we attempted to fill the reactor with WVO. Not surprising, the pump was unable to suck up the oil without major intervention. I'll need to figure out another way to load the reactor...
For now though, we have about 21 gal of WVO ready to be heated and reacted later this afternoon. By then the lye should be dissolved completely. I should have time to get the reaction finished and into the settling tank (if the pump works to transfer it to the settling tank).


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